Videography: A Brief History and Introduction
I’ve had a hand in the world of videography since the age of 14 or 15 when I used to make single-take webcam videos with a friend after school. In more recent times I've had the opportunity to take classes dedicated to videography and related skills to continue this long standing passion. Below are a few examples of video work that I have been a part of.
The "A" Word
Tasked with the challenge of having to make a short form documentary, our group focused on the stigma of arts-related programming in a school famously known for its mathematical and engineering departments. As part of this project, I acted as narrator and host while also sharing the responsibilities of cameraman and director.
The Hunt for Pirogies
The story of two men lost on their journey for late-night pirogies, this narrative video was created with humor in mind. Interestingly enough, I was originally part of another group when the script for this film was created. To make our groups more equal in size, I volunteered to join this group and took the role of actor, assistant cameraman and co-director. Some original music I created is also featured in the party scene of the video.
Privacy Regime Assessment
Tasked with the job of assessing the privacy policy of an online business, I posited the idea of drawing a link between a coffee shop collecting your name for a cup and a business collecting information for their business purposes. This video is a sort of 'dramatic re-enactment' of our assessment of SoundCloud's privacy policy.